Dialogue Subsystem
Accessing the Dialogue Subsystem
The Dialogue Subsystem can be accessed from anywhere. Right-click in a blueprint graph and search 'Get DialogueSubsystem'.
No Manual setup for the Dialogue Subsystem is required.
Dialogue Subsystem Functionality
Start Dialogue
You can start a Dialogue from anywhere at anytime, drag out from the Dialogue Subsystem
and search for 'Start Dialogue' or look under Qade>Dialogue System.
Start Dialogue has 2 arguments:
- Target is the Dialgoue Subsystem.
- Dialogue to Start is a Dialgoue Graph that can be chosen in the node or through a reference in the blueprint.
has 1 return value
- Return Value is a bool, when true it means that the dialogue succesfully has started.
Abort Active Dialogue
You Abort the active dialogue, drag out from the Dialogue Subsystem
and search for 'Abort Active Dialogue' or look under Qade>Dialogue System.
Abort Active Dialogue has 1 arguments:
- Target is the Dialgoue Subsystem.
has 1 return value
- Return Value is a bool, when true it means that the dialogue node has succesfully Aborted.
Abort Dialogue
You will reset the Dialogue graph you have selected,
drag out from the Dialogue Subsystem and search for 'Abort Dialogue' or look under Qade>Dialogue System.
Abort Dialogue has 1 arguments:
- Target is the Dialgoue Subsystem.
- Dialogue to abort is the Dialgoue graph, this reset the graph.
has 1 return value
- Return Value is a bool, when true it means that the dialogue node has succesfully Aborted.
Skip Current Dialogue
Using the Skip Current Dialogue function, will skip the current active node inside the active dialogue.
Skip Current Dialogue has 1 arguments:
- Target is the Dialgoue Subsystem.
has 1 return value
- Return Value is a bool, when true it means that the dialogue node has succesfully skipped.
Pick choice
Using the Pick choice function, will skip the current active node inside the active dialogue.
Pick choice has 2 arguments:
- Target is the Dialgoue Subsystem.
- Qade Node, is an int, that is used as index for which Player Response Node has been selected
You would need to setup a system to send the correct index. You can get the list of all the player choices that are active.
Toggle auto skip
Toggle auto skip is still work in progress. it doesn't do anything
Dialogue Subsystem Getters
Get Active Dialogue
Dialogue Graph Returns the active dialogue graph.
Get Active Node
Dialogue node Returns the active dialogue node
Only gets the first node that is active. We will resolve this issue later
Get Active Response
Response_Node Returns the current active response
Get All Player Choices
Array Player Response Nodes Returns all the player reponse nodes.
Get All Choices Text
Array Text Returns all the player choices text as an example ["I am skipping this dialoge", "I want to continue this mission"]
Get All Choices States
Array Node States Returns all the player respones states.
Dialogue Subsystem Delegate Events
Started Dialogue
This Delegate will be called whenever a dialogue has Started.
Ended Dialogue
This Delegate will be called whenever a dialogue has Ended.
Aborted Dialogue
This Delegate will be called whenever a dialogue has Aborted.
Dialogue Started Subtitle
This Delegate will be called whenever a response node needs the subtitle.
Dialogue Ended Subtitle
This Delegate will be called whenever the response node is done with the subtitle.
Update Subtitle Dialogue
This Delegate will be called whenever a new line needs to be updated in the subtitle.
Pick A choice Dialogue
This Delegate will be called whenever you get the option to pick a choice in the dialogue.